The post Not Dead Yet (Thoughts on 1WD Radio Silence) appeared first on 1 Wine Dude.
Greetings, and apologies from 1WD central. Normally, I’d use an introductory paragraph such as this one to opine that my lateness in updating this website is due to the fact that I have a toddler, but in this case that actually wouldn’t be honest.
Well, I do honestly have a toddler, but it’s not her fault that 1WD has been under what I believe is its longest ever period of radio silence (nearly one month).
The website has been loooooong overdue for a server migration, and recently hit the technical point at which said migration was unavoidable. Unfortunately, that migration has been taking muuuuuuuuuuuuuch longer than expected, and 1WD has largely been in a holding pattern for several weeks as a result, as the appropriate server that could handle the traffic was indentified, and components were tested against (far, far newer versions of) back-end software.
It’s still ongoing as I type these words, but expected to be finished any day now (). So I thought that I’d at least send out a test for echo and let you know that 1WD is NOT dead quite yet. While the website has been taking a break, my liver has not, and so along with oodles and oodles of mini reviews in the queue, you can also expect coverage of the following when things start back up again soon(ish):
- An insider’s look at the 2023 Grenaches du Monde Competition, of which I was one of the judges
- Features on recent releases from Torre Rosazza, Complant Wines, Palmento Costanzo, and Rhys Vineyards
- My takeaways from the 2023 Colorado Governor’s Cup wine competition
- Multi-article deep dives from my recent jaunts to Italy’s Romagna and Sannio wine regions.
Cheers, and stay tuned!
Copyright © 2023. Originally at Not Dead Yet (Thoughts on 1WD Radio Silence) from
- for personal, non-commercial use only. Cheers!