Science Has Not Really Spoken (On The Study Of Big Flavor Wines)
Ok, geeks; REMAIN CALM. image: That’s the message we need to repeat to our geeky wine selves after reading the article “Science has spoken: Big wine doesn’t mean more flavour” by...
View ArticleI’m Not A Hungarian Wine Expert, But I Play One On The Internet (FurmintUSA...
Earlier this week, I was fondly recalling my little Hungarian jaunt and missing the camaraderie (and the vino!) of the film and production team that made that video series happen (we all stayed...
View ArticleIt’s Not “Hipster” If It’s Already “Mainstream” (On Delectable And The...
Last week, one of the nation’s only real newspapers (the New York Times) published a little piece about the popular wine review mobile app Delectable. What I found most interesting about the article...
View ArticleWine Intelligence Report Stating The Obvious?
If you have about $2400 handy, you can buy the latest report from Wine Intelligence on US Internet and Social Media utilization with respect to the US wine market. Or, you could invest that money and...
View ArticleApparently “Riedel” Is Actually Pronounced “A**hole” (Glassware Company...
Last week Riedel, the Austrian glassware company that seems tailor-made for the anally-retentive (the company produces glasses designed specifically for different wine styles and individual varietal...
View ArticleWine And Social Media: Not Just For The Tech Savvy
image: One of the speaking engagements where I scared everyone sh*tless with tough luv for which I was hired earlier this Summer was recently given a write-up in the Corks And Forks...
View ArticleShow Lake County Some Love
4,600 firefighters. 131,000 acres burned (and counting). A little over 5 percent contained. The Valley and Butte wildfires in California are wrecking havoc on thousands of lives, and are taking a...
View ArticleMillennials Aren’t Changing Wine – Access To Information Is
image: If you read Lettie Teague’s recent WSJ column entry, titled How Millennials Are Changing Wine, you will find some interesting data suggesting that Millennials are not, in fact, changing...
View ArticleNo No No No No No NO (Wine Is Still Not A Good Investment)
Recently, the Drinks Business reported that, according to Vin-X’s head of procurement Martin Pruszynski, “fine wine investment has been the best overall performer when total growth across major asset...
View ArticleDon’t Yet Weep For Vinous Humanity (’s Top 100 Wines 2015)
Hey, speaking of popularity contests… image: Another top-100 list was recently published, only in this case it’s (thankfully) not about wine blogs, but about wine sales:’s annual Top...
View ArticleWhy Is It Always Someone Else’s Fault? (Thoughts On Slipping Wine Sales)
One of the staples of my recent speaking gigs to wine marketing types has been that wine, having achieved extraordinary success in the USA in recent years, are now a big target. A small example:...
View ArticleAlcohol Probably Isn’t Good For You (But Don’t Start Crying Just Yet)
Recently, a 1WD reader wrote in to ask me what I thought about the recent spate of news indicating that alcohol is bad for your health. Here’s his initial correspondence, which he gave me permission to...
View ArticleNo, That Oral Microbiota Study Did Not Invalidate The History Of Wine Tasting
Let’s start with the short version: we all need to calm the hell down. If social media reaction is any indication, the wine world is losing its shiz over the potential implications of an interesting...
View ArticleDropping The Mic On Online Wine ROI (TMRW Engine’s 2016 Digital Wine Report)
image: TMRW Engine So much of the material upon which 1WD was built consists, essentially, of opinion pieces (in fact, four or five years ago I sat on a panel focused specifically on opinion writing...
View ArticleIn Other Words, The Wine Biz Is Pretty F*cked Up (Thoughts On The Closure Of...
The wine media world has been tripping over itself to cover the recently-announced ceasing of operations by In Pursuit of Balance (IPOB), an organization of producers that held tastings of wines that...
View ArticleHey, Wine Ladies! Take The Power Back!
How many of you caught the recent diatribes by both Guy Woodward (of Harpers) and Monika Elling (of Foundations Marketing Group in New York City) regarding the under-representation of women in the wine...
View ArticleVote Naked (Naked Wines Winemaker Fantasy Finalists 2016)
image: Pssst! Hey! Wanna vote Naked? I was recently a judge for a contest that Naked Wines is running, in which winemakers made video pitches describing what fantasy/dream wine they...
View ArticleDredging Up Wine History In Lewes, DE
One of the wine world’s more interesting artifacts was found quite by accident. Off the shoreline of humble little Lewes, Delaware. Man, it feels really odd to write that. I’m fortunate enough to be...
View ArticleIn Defense Of White Wine (Thoughts On Expert Scores And Red Wine Bias)
White wines get the review shaft (image: A little over a week ago, my friend Jeff Siegel published details by PhD Suneal Chaudhary, who analyzed over 64,000 wine scores, dating to...
View ArticleWOSA’s Response To ‘Bitter Grapes’ Documentary Tastes Like Sour Grapes
By now, many of you will have heard of, read about, and/or actually watched the documentary Bitter Grapes, a film that examines harsh conditions for workers in some areas of the South African wine...
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