Probably Still Laughing And Calling Him Names (Biodynamic Tasting Calendar...
A couple of years ago, I undertook a rather statistically-irrelevant and thoroughly un-scientific study regarding the Biodynamic tasting calendar (based on the lunar-cycle farming techniques espoused...
View ArticleAnd You Were Expecting What, Exactly? (Thoughts On The PA Pay-To-Play Scandal)
“The most endangered species – The honest man” -Rush, Natural Science In the great room of my house, there are two 5″x7″ framed prints in Chinese script, each of which represents one of the two “house...
View ArticleCalifornia Wine Country Fires – How To Help
By now, most of you reading this will have at least some knowledge of the devastation that is impacting Northern California wine country in the wake of over one dozen fires that, at the time of this...
View ArticleSchooled, Off The Court (Talking LeBron James Wine Picks For SBNation)
image: NBA living-legend LeBron James appears to be the real deal. And I’m not talking about his on-the-court abilities, which are justifiably considered among the greatest of all time, or...
View ArticleHiatus, And The American Booze Wholesaler Swamp
image: I’d fully intended to provide some peripatetic and yet somehow also sublimely insightful wine review action for you this week (and I’ve much to tell you about my recent jaunt to Israeli...
View ArticleNaked Wines And The Cult Of “Fake News”
One of the worst aspects of the current state of political “discourse” in the USA is the penchant of leaders in our government towards vocalizing complete and total falsehoods, whenever and however it...
View ArticleCritics Challenge 2018 Highlights
Staying Classy with bubbles in San Diego Once again, I had both the pleasure and the honor of judging at the annual Critics Challenge wine competition, held in (stay classy!) San Diego and helmed by...
View ArticleThe Times They… Uhm… Have Changed, Actually (’s Top 100 Most...
Image: Folks, we’re getting old. It’s hard to believe that it’s been a full five years since my friend, fellow wine competition judge, all-around decent guy, and prolific author Michael...
View ArticleFumbling The Ball At Goal-line (Thoughts On The 2018 Lancet Alcohol Study)
Recently, an examination of a rather large data set of studies (we’re talking nearly 200 countries, and over 690 pieces of work involving millions of people) was published in Lancet, and most of my...
View ArticleThe Future Of Wine Writing: GrimDark
The future of wine writing: kill, or be killed? The future of wine writing is kind of like… GrimDark. No, I don’t mean that wine writing is headed for GrimDark as a cultural style of expression....
View ArticleAsti Unleashes Two New DOCGs
Speaking of Moscato d’Asti (see last week’s article for a deep dive into that topic, including a look at how stupid I can be), I thought it worth mentioning a topic that came up during that same media...
View ArticleOn The Retirement Of Robert Parker
Robert M. Parker, Jr. – arguably the world’s most famous, but unarguably its most influential, wine critic – is hangin’ up the spurs. Last week, The Wine Advocate announced that Parker, who had...
View ArticleWhen It Comes to Wine, Big Isn’t Evil – It’s Essential
During the past couple of weeks or so, an online kerfuffle ensued after wine writer and author Jamie Goode posted an eye-opening article on his blog detailing the massive size of some of the wine...
View ArticleA Call for Calm for Claret Lovers (Talking about Bordeaux’s New Grapes for NVWA)
image: NVWA You claret lovers just need to chill the F out… That’s the major message in my latest piece for the Napa Valley Wine Academy blog, titled Calm Down and Drink Your Claret: Bordeaux’s New...
View ArticleCA Wildfires: How to Best Help Wine Country
By now, you will almost certainly have heard about the wildfires (once again) impacting Northern California. There are a few things to keep in mind regarding how these fires impact California wine...
View ArticleHoly Sh*tballs! (The US Wine Market’s Impending Hangover)
Long-time 1WD reader and tirelessly inquisitive wine guy Bob Henry recently asked for my thoughts on an article published by wine data maven David Morrison, titled The perilous state of the US wine...
View ArticleWine Caves are NOT the Problem
Hopefully your holiday spirits, dear readers, will be in full swing this week and thus you’ll indulge me a bit of (non-partisan) political commentary. During the most recent 2019 debate of Democratic...
View ArticleWe Interrupt Our Programming for This Interruption (Book Hiatus)
As if I wasn’t behind enough on my ramblings here on 1WD (I’ve still got several Sicily updates to share with you, after all!), I’m going to put myself even further behind! Overachiever here! Here’s...
View ArticleAfter the Fire (Australian Wine Rebounds at NVWA)
image: NVWA In this time of… well, intense stress and social weirdness, I’m happy to share a bit of good news. My latest for the Napa Valley Wine Academy is now available; that itself isn’t the good...
View ArticleWe’re a Bunch of Lushes (Thoughts on the Wine Intelligence US COVID-19 Impact...
Well… we are… Image: very recently reported on the release of a report titled Wine Intelligence US COVID-19 Impact Report by Wine Intelligence, who are...
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